Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ad Week Chapter 7 Response

It is sad to say, but I would have to agree with Stuart Ewen's comment to some extent. Advertisements have such a long hisotry in our culture, that it is hard to not find meaning in the commodities being advertised. As mentioned in the text, "Advertising sometimes sells belonging, attaching concepts of the nation, community, and democracy to products." (277) Sometimes it is difficult to detach the product and the meaning behind the product. Even a simple thing such as clothing is a way that people express themselves. We are always going to be bias towards the brands, colors, styles, etc. that we like. Other companies might sway our decisions, but that still does not change the fact that we are using items such as clothing to construct our identites. It is a sad concept, and I wonder how it would be without consumer products to help us shape our identities. I wonder who I would be without some of my consumer products..

1 comment:

  1. It is a tough thing to imagine nowadays isn't it... who we would be like without any products. - evelyn davis, professor
