Friday, May 14, 2010

Gallery Anaylsis #3

The two pieces I chose were both created by Alisha Skeel. “Hiding Place 1” and “Hiding Place 3” were both digital photography pieces. The two pieces chosen are very similar. Both are within the same color spectrum; red is the main focus and there are offsets of black and white in each as well. “Hiding Place1” and “Hiding Place3” also both feature photographs of people, but the faces of the people are not shown. There does not seem to be a lot of differences between the pieces. The backgrounds are different and so are the subjects, but for the most part the two pieces are very similar. I chose these two pieces because I liked how the pictures were captured. I also liked the fact that you couldn’t see their faces; I was able to interpret the pictures how I wanted to which was neat. Both pictures exhibited color very well and there is also quite a bit of texture in the background of the pieces. Both pieces are aesthetically pleasing to me. The colors are warm and I really like how the photos were taken. Alisha Skeel said that she takes inspiration from everywhere. Her intentions in this piece were to get the viewers to look at other things besides the faces since they were not part of the photograph. Since people are usually drawn to faces, she decided to get rid of them to leave the photos open for interpretation.

1 comment:

  1. great choices! these two are great comparisons.
    -evelyn davis, professor
