Thursday, May 13, 2010

The other ad I chose was a Nike advertisement. The setting of the ad is taking place in current time. There are many subjects in the advertisement; the most recognizable subject is Tiger Woods. There are also some of his alleged mistresses present in the ad as well. Another key image in the ad is the notorious Nike swoosh. Obviously, Nike is known for the slogan “Just Do It”, but it has more than one meaning behind the advertisement. Nike is advertising their brand, but at the same time they are promoting a very different meaning. In my opinion, “Just Do It” is taken as go have sex with someone, or many women in Tiger Woods’ case. Promoting this advertisement could have a lot of repercussions in relationships and our culture as well. I found this ad as an advertisement on Yahoo in the year 2010. There is a definite relationship between the ad and the audience viewing it. Yahoo is open to the public, so it reaches a variety of people. I think Nike’s biggest audience would be teenagers, and this ad poses a problem to this targeted audience. If teenagers and young adults see this ad they may think Tiger Woods’ actions are okay since they are now being used in a Nike advertisement campaign. Assumptions like this can add to the already promiscuous behavior that has developed in our culture. I think the makers of the ad could be trying to draw any kind of consumer with this ad. But, since teenagers are so easily swayed by advertisement, it is my assumption that the main target of the advertisement would be them. There are obvious “markers” of race in the Nike advertisement. Tiger Woods’ epitomizes the wealthy, upper-class athlete that can have anything and everything he has ever dreamed of; or that could have been the case before the huge scandal broke out. Other “markers” of race are seen in the six women in the advertisement as well. All of the women are fairly young and attractive. All the women in the ad are white too. As mentioned before, there is a definite relationship between the text and the imagery in the Nike advertisement. Nike’s slogan “Just Do It” can be promoting their brand and can be promoting scandalous behaviors as well. An actual product is not shown in the advertisement, but the Nike logo is displayed. I believe this ad is definitely promoting a lifestyle, and not a very moral one. I think this ad is ridiculous. It is one thing for Tiger Woods’ to have committed the acts he did, but it is a whole other thing when this kind of behavior is being used to sell Nike products. In my opinion, if a company cannot sell its products based on the quality, they should not be trying to sell their products through other people’s actions.

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