Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The first ad I chose was advertising Crest 3D White products. This ad takes place in current time and the subject of the ad is a girl. The girl in the advertisement has “3D white teeth”; there are also Crest 3D White products being shown in the ad. The main focus of the ad is the girl, but there are also blurred circles in the background and some text. I think this ad can be portrayed with a meaning of outer appearance. It may be selling Crest products, but it is also dealing with looks. Whiter teeth can make someone more attractive. This ad was made in 2010 and I found it in a Cosmopolitan magazine. Since Cosmopolitan is mostly directed towards women, it makes sense that a girl is in the Crest 3D White advertisement. The main audience of this ad is women; once again, white teeth are seen as attractive and could enhance a woman’s looks. It may also be a sexual turn on for men, since Cosmo deals a lot with sex articles and etc. I don’t think the makers of the ad are trying to draw a different kind of consumer with this ad. The ad could be targeted towards men as well, but since women mostly read Cosmopolitan, I think the ad is being directed towards women. There are definite “markers” in this ad. The ad portrays a white, young, female who is a brunette. I think it is a stereotypical depiction of what beauty is seen like in this country. Of course Crest would use a pretty young girl in their ad, because let’s be honest, most people don’t want to see an unattractive person advertising a product. There is a little bit of a relationship between the text and the imagery. The ad states “Sample a Brighter Smile”, which once again is showing that appearance matters in our culture. The Crest 3D White products are shown in the advertisement, but I think the advertisement is also promoting a lifestyle. A brighter smile can be seen as upping your appearance. A brighter and whiter smile can also give someone more confidence to live a happier lifestyle. I do not mind the ad I chose, it is neither positively or negatively affecting me. The ad is not forcing anything on me and it is not offensive in any way. I have used Crest products before and like how they work so I would definitely try anything that can make my teeth whiter in a day!

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