Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gallery Analysis

I chose "Reflection # 1" and "Who Speaks for Planet Earth?" for my two pieces to analyze; one was a photograph and the other was a ceramics piece. Both pieces were done by Kate McIntosh. Kate believes that photographs and ceramics go hand in hand, and that it is easier to engage in 3D objects. There were quite a few similarities between the two pieces. Both had very similar color schemes and a glossy effect. Also, the two pieces had close textures in parts of the work. Both pieces were representing nature as well. I only detected a few differences among the pieces. The most obvious difference was the different choice of mediums. Also, different shapes were used in the photograph compared to the ceramics piece.
I chose these two pieces because I really like the movement of the photograph and I thought the sculpture was a great compliment to it. Some elemental qualities of the two pieces included: the green and white colors, the texture seen in the water ripples and the insides of the sculpture, and the lines shown in both the photograph and the sculpture. I think both of the pieces were aesthetically pleasing because of the calming colors. I loved the water photograph because it was very peaceful and interesting to look at. The artist's intention was to show the light and textural value of both pieces. Also, it was Kate's intention to show how the moon controls the tide through the photograph of water and the sculpture of the moon.

1 comment:

  1. nice art analysis!
    great decision to choose both of those pieces.
    -evelyn davis, professor
