Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chapter 4 Response

I thought the section on realism was the most interesting topic discussed in Chapter 4. Realism is supposed to "reproduce reality as it is". I find this type of artwork to be very intriguing. Sure, it's great to depict objects as something different than what they are; we all like to dream. But, there's something very moving about seeing objects in their natural state. I think a lot of people don't like realist art because they don't like to see the harsh realizations of reality. It would be wonderful if everything in life went according to plan, but that's not the way the world works! I like realism art because it is REAL; there's no tip-toeing around it. Why deceive yourself about the way the world works? There's nothing great about deception.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Kristy.
    I too like realism for its honesty.
    -evelyn davis, professor
