Sunday, April 11, 2010

As stated in the text, voyeurism is "the pleasure one takes in looking while not being seen looking". I think everyone, at one time or another, is guilty of voyeurism to some extent. Some people may be a voyeur more than others. I would say I am a voyeur to some degree, not severely though! I find myself people watching quite a bit; people watching is pretty entertaining. But, as soon as someone looks back at me, I'm caught! I find it kind of fascinating/ entertaining to just watch people's actions and emotions without them knowing you are watching them. But, it is awkward once they look back at you, and you are staring right at them. For example, I work at a restaurant that has a revolving glass door to enter. You would not believe how many people walk straight into the glass. When I am at the front of the restaurant it becomes pretty entertaining to watch people walk through the door. For example, I remember watching a lady walk right into the glass, and I began laughing as soon as she looked back at me. Talk about being caught in the moment..

1 comment:

  1. people watching really is the most natural form of voyeurism. keep up with the real life experiences, it helps!
