Thursday, April 8, 2010

After reading Chapter 3, I gained a better understanding of the power of the gaze. I found it very interesting that images not only represent but also factor into power relations. I looked through the internet to find controversial images and surprisingly enough I found a Burger King ad to be quite out there. As mentioned in the section regarding gaze and gender, the Burger King ad has women as the subject. At my first glance of the ad I saw a surprised girl with pouty red lips and a sandwich near her mouth. Then, when I read "IT'LL BLOW YOUR MIND AWAY" on the ad, I got a different impression of what Burger King was advertising. Other phrases in the ad included: "Fill your desire for something long, juicy, and flame-grilled.", and "Yearn for more after you taste the mind-blowing burger." I see these types of ads everywhere I look; advertising companies try to sell their product with sex involved. The sad thing is, a lot of the times the product being advertised is not even shown while half naked bodies are. Advertising companies know how to sell their products, and apparently sex sells.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant comparison Kristy!
    Love how you found an ad that definitely gives us a clear example of how women are portrayed in the power of a gaze. Well done!
    -evelyn davis, professor
